First, what is surrogacy? Gestational surrogacy uses In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to create an embryo using the eggs from the prospective mother and/or the sperm from the father that is then implanted in a surrogate mother, who carries the baby until birth. In this type of surrogacy, the surrogate mother is not genetically related to the baby. It is important to note that with this option, extensive medical preparation and management may be needed and increase the chance of multiple births. Once the baby is born, the surrogate mother will allow the genetic parents to raise their baby.
Be ready for the process and make sure you are between the ages of 21 and 37, are in good health, have a stable lifestyle, have given birth before and have had a great pregnancy history. Surrogacy agencies typically have different requirements for becoming a surrogate mother, so make sure you understand what is required.
Get a physical evaluation and a psychological evaluation to make sure that you are capable physically and mentally for the surrogacy process.
Understand the laws concerning surrogacy in your state.
Pick a reputable surrogacy agency that offers personalized service and that will work with you to select the right intended parent match for you.
Select legal representation so that you know and protect your rights and specify your requirements as far as how much contact you want with the intended parents, guardianship for unforeseen situations, as well as your wishes about medical procedures. You will also need to have an agreement covering the services of the surrogacy agency.
Parenting Partners, Inc., is a smaller surrogate agency in Illinois, with years of experience and who has successfully managed many surrogate experiences. The owner is an advocate for surrogacy and is also a parent through surrogacy herself. This experience leads to higher quality surrogacy services and lower costs.
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